Saturday, September 19, 2009

Weird panic attacks in public !

My uncle was here to visit us for a week and ofcourse the week fleeted in no time and it was time for him to go yesterday ! We went to the airport to drop him off. Hugging and waving and the usual goodbyes took place and we left the airport to return to the car park.Just when I was about to take the escelator to the lower floor I noticed a girl about 6 or 7 years old a few paces ahead of me.She was with kids about her own age and they were playing by going down the escelator and coming back up again.But what drew my attention was the fact that she was n't being careful, she hoped on to the escelator to go down without even looking at it and had her foot at two steps at once ...I know that happens a lot of time and that escelators are not danger zones but to see a 6 year old in that precarious situation made the chicken in me panic..All of a sudden without even realising , as if like a reflex I had my arms raised to the 90 degree position pointing my fingers at her, my legs went rigid while my torso kept curving backwards as I started squeaking in Panic ( nervousness makes me squeak in situations when I intend to scream !) "She'll fall ,she'll fall !!" . Apparently all I could get out of my mouth was 'fall,fall ' for my mom and grandma who were at a distance thought I was the one falling, and had to come to my rescue !,my weird posture must have added to their misconception. Whats even more embarassing is the thought that my weird act must have won many stares from the people around me.

I regained my normality only when after a few seconds I saw the kid remain unharmed and simply step backwards to keep herself from falling just like anyone would have done. But I did realise that my response was a little too exaggerated and ofcourse, very embarassing !


  1. hey dear.........Eid mubarak.......there is not any other option to send u greeting. that's why i m posting comment.enjoy and god bless u.

  2. Thanks a lot Ridhi ! I hope you enjoy too :)

  3. Hi Najwa. It is good to see you were concerned for the child's safety. I'm glad no one was hurt (including you!). Take care and be careful around escalators. I hear some of them can grab a shoelace or a high heel and cause some problems.

  4. Great writing Najwa Baji I read it to my dad and he enjoyed.

  5. I'm really glad that you and mamoo liked it Junaid !
